Pool Equipment / Inground Pumps

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InverFlo Pro F400iNA
InverFlo Pro F400iNA
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Madimack’s enhanced inverter technology, InverMAC, is engineered to support inverter motor operation. The inclusion of product specific proprietary technology allows for precise control of motor speed and energy usage across our range. InverMAC technology supports Madimack’s overall position of unrivalled innovation, sustainability and performance. By incorporating inverter motor technology in creative and unique ways, Madimack is leading the way in the development of energy-efficient products.

Sound Suppression Technology

Full Inverter technology: Precise control of speed, including automatic adjustments for capacity between 30-100%.
Centrifugal Impeller technology: Advanced systems utilizing the latest in centrifugal impellar technology.
DC brushless motor: DC Brushless motor delivering an almost silent experience, optimized efficiencies and durability.

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InverFlo Pro F400iNA